Option Analytics
Option Analytics panel allows options traders to see prices, Greeks, build and analyze risk profiles
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Option Analytics panel allows options traders to see prices, Greeks, build and analyze risk profiles
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Option Analytics is a professional panel for options traders that allows making strong options analysis and send orders in one click.
To open a new Options Analytics panel, go to the Main menu (Logo icon) and select Options Analytics in the Analytics section.
Underlying Asset & Account for selecting a trading instrument that has an option series and selecting trading account (in case of multiple accounts)
"Mode" controls the visibility of additional panels — Options Desk, Options Risk Analyzer, Volatility Smile (Skew)
Level 1 Data bar provides basic information about current Ask, Bid, Last prices, spread and day range of selected symbol
(1) - This control allows to manage simultaneously visible options series and strikes. (2) - Right click on table's header will show a context menu where trader can select visible columns. (3) - Paper column is an interactive column that used to add a paper position to portfolio, to do it - click on column's cell and set value. (4) - Right click on a row will show a strike's context menu
(5) - Double click on Ask/Bid cells will open an Order Entry panel
Add Paper positions in the options desk and the strategy analyzer will immediately show the option profile. This mode will allow you to see all changes in options desk — prices, volatility, options Greek values — and option profiles on one screen.
Analyzer allows users to see the profile of existing portfolio. The profile illustrates a behavior of portfolio in cases of underlying instrument price change, volatility change or time decay. Also Analyzer provides a possibility to add an overlay to main chart. It can be one of Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta or Rho
(1) - This control allows to select a chart's data type. Possible options are: P/L, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho (2) - This control allows to add an overlay to main chart
(3) - By clicking on this button user can apply "What if" scenarios.
Trader is able to simulate the time decay and volatility impact scenarios simultaneously or separately by setting corresponding values. Up to 5 lines can be drawn at the same moment of time. All "What if" lines are drawn in dashed style.
The bottom part of the panel contains combined table with paper positions, real positions and working orders
(1) - Add under-lier button allows to add a paper position of underlying symbol to the list of existing positions. (2) - Hot buttons provide a possibility to make group actions with portfolio such as: place papers, cancel papers or close real existing positions. (3) - Right click on table's header will show a context menu where trader can select visible columns. (4) - By clicking on Analyze checkboxes user can include or exclude certain positions from portfolio. (5) - Place button allows to place a paper position (6) - Remove icon allows to remove a paper position